In this video, we learn how to make silly putty from scratch. You will first need to take some flour and mix it with warm water in a small plastic container. After you mix this together and it turns into a putty type of shape, you will then add in some food coloring to the container as well. Add in some borax to this and continue to mix until it's completely finished mixing together. When done, you will be able to play with this and make other colors to mix together. This is a great project for...
In this tutorial, we learn how to drop your kids off at preschool. When dropping your kids off, walk them to the front of the gate around the classroom. Give them hugs and kisses and tell them you love them. After this, let them walk into the classroom all by themselves. Kids like to walk in by themselves and feel like a big kid. The classroom isn't big enough for all the mom's and dad's to come in, so just let your child go by themselves. The teacher will take care of them the rest of the day!
To make silly putty start by putting four tablespoons of Elmer's Glue into a glass jar. Next you will add two tablespoons of liquid starch into the glass jar with the Elmer's Glue. Use a metal fork to stir up the glue and starch mixture. Stir it until it is thoroughly mixed up. Then take the glue starch mixture out of the jar with the fork and put it onto some aluminum foil that you have laid out on the table. Take the mixture and squish it with your hands. Flatten the mixture out into a...
In this video, we learn how to make children listen with the marshmallow game. When you are trying to tell a story to children, they can talk and start a conversation without being quiet. To help this out, tell the children to put a pretend marshmallow in their mouth and they will pretend to chew it! Have them put more and more marshmallows into their mouth so it will be filled up and they can't talk. Make sure they continue to breathe while they are doing this, sometimes they hold their...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make blue silly putty. To make this, you will just need borax, glue, and food coloring. First, pour a cup of water in a bowl with a couple tablespoons of glue and some borax. When it's all poured in the bowl, mix it together. After this, add in the food coloring until you have the color that you want. Mix the putty together until well combined and then play with it! You can store it in a plastic container to play with later and use for whatever type of craft...
In this video from nyelover we learn how to make silly putty that is kid friendly! You need white glue, borax, a little water, a plastic bag, some food coloring, and some small jars. Use 40-50 ml of Borax and put in a bowl. Then put 20 ml of white glue and 5 ml water and a few drops of food coloring into a separate bowl. Now add 5 ml of the saturated Borax solution to the water and glue. Remember again not to add too much food coloring. This is all you need to make your own silly putty. Just...
Dress up your kids school supplies by helping them decorate their spiral notebooks! This is an easy art project, good for any school age child. All you need is some colored foamy, safety scissors, non toxic glue and some foamy letters. And, of course, the spiral notebook!
Here's a fun craft project you can make with your kids to celebrate autumn! Create a fall themed card, complete with colored leaves. All you will need is some white cardstock, red, yellow and green construction paper, a pair of safety scissors and some non-toxic glue.
Whether you're a World War 2 veteran (thank you), the next-of-kin of a vet, or a member of the general public, there are lots of reasons you could want to look at service records for WW2 vets. Watch this video for tips on acquiring these service records from the US government.
Want something that will both keep your children occupied while you're busy cooking Thanksgiving dinner, while still getting them into the spirit of the holiday? Here are some great ideas for art and craft projects you can give your kids, like turkey tags and paper napkin rings.
This crafts idea is a great project to do with your kids - create personalized Thanksgiving placemats for all your dinner guests, and then laminate them to keep them from getting dirty (and so you can use them for next year's Thanksgiving, too!)
Involve your children in Thanksgiving this year by letting them decorate and set the 'kids' table' this year! Here are a few ideas to create a fun and kid-friendly table setting that you can put your children in charge of this holiday season!
This is a fun and easy craft you can do with your children, by making a replica of the old feather quill pens - with none of the mess! You'll need some white construction paper, a regular ball point pen, some scissors and a stapler.
This tutorial shows you how to make some fun turkey crafts with your children. For young children, you can make a colorful turkey out of a paper cup, some paint, glue and construction paper. For older children, you can create a tin can turkey out of felt and some hot gule.
In this tutorial, we learn how to make a toy drum. You will need: felt, recycled tin can, 1 red lace, 4 soda caps, 2 popsicle sticks, glue, and scissors. Cit, cut the felt into a circle and glue it around the tin can. After this, take red felt and cut it into strips, then glue on the side of the tin can so it's striped. When finished, apply glue to the top of the can and then cover with additional pieces of felt. Tie a ribbon around the top and the bottom of the felt on the fan. To make the...
In this video, we learn how to make rock salt animals with your kids. You can use any kind of animal including a snake or alligator. To start, cut out the shape on a piece of white construction paper. After this, you will need to mix up some water color in a shallow dish. You can make this by mixing up water with some food coloring. Now, dissolve the rock salt into it and then let the child brush the mixture onto the top of the piece of paper. Let this dry overnight, then when finished it will...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make a colorful paper turkey. For this, you will need: colored paper in red, orange, yellow, white, black, purple, and brown, a bag, scissors, and glue. Now, take the orange, purple, and yellow papers and cut out two teardrop shapes of each. Then glue them to the top of a brown paper bag. Then, cut out eyes using the black and white papers. Glue these onto the top of the bag to make the eyes, then use the brown to cut out the sides of the turkey, and glue on....
In this tutorial, we learn how to teach children to be gentle. If children are in a setting with other kids, arguments will arise. If a child happens to try to harm another, you will need to tell that child that it hurts the other one if you harm them. Tell them that it's not nice and that they need to say they are sorry for not being gentle. Tell them that it is a nice thing to be gentle with other people and they will make friends by doing this. This will help your child be gentle and make...
In this tutorial, we learn how to wear a baby Bjorn for dads. First, you will want to take it out of the body and put the straps together. After this, you will place the straps around your shoulders so that the back brace is on the back. The ouch for the baby will be at the front. From here, you will strap on the pouch for the baby by clipping it into the bottom of the shoulder straps. Then, pull the straps so that the entire thing fits securely. When finished, you will be wearing this and...
Children like to have fun things in their rooms. A pompom curtain is perfect for a little girl to have and pretend it is the entrance to her castle. A young boy might like a plain colored pompom curtain to pretend it is the entrance to the dungeon where he keeps his monsters!
Materials you will need for this project are:
Colorful pompoms
1 long dowel (as long as your doorway's width)
String or yarn (cut pieces as long as your doorway's height)
Take a cut piece of...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make a miniature table. Materials you will need are: a wood slat, 4 popsicle sticks cut in half, paint, paintbrush, and glue. Heat up your hot glue gun and then grab your popsicle sticks. Glue one stick to the side of every corner of the slat. After this, you should have two on each side of all four corners of the wooden slat. After you're finished placing them on, let the glue cool and then harden. To finish, you can paint this and decorate it and use it...
Halloween has become one of the most popular holidays of the the year in the United States. Retailers even lease out empty retail spaces to put in Halloween stores.
In this video, we learn how to mow to Make a Dry Ice Crystal Ball! This is a fun activity you can do with your kids and that you will enjoy as well. To start, you will need to take some Dawn dish soap that doesn't have soap and isn't anti-bacterial. After this, put this in water and add rags into it. Swish it around to make the water bubble up. Now, grab a smaller bowl and fill it with water. Then, take another bowl and put dry ice in it using a glove. Next, Now, drag the rag over the top of...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make a gift basket of healthy stuff for a pregnant mom. First, go to Whole Foods Market, which carries everything that you need! First, think about what your mommy needs and what she is going to need after she has a baby! First, place in some books that have to do with pregnancy. Then, stock the basket with some supplements, prenatal vitamins, organic teas, a loofa, ginger pills, and bath salts. Once you give this to your expecting mom, she will thank you and...
In this video, we learn how to prepare yourself for baby labor and delivery. First, make sure you bring change for the vending machines, labor and delivery can take a lot of time. Watching the pain of the delivery process can drive you nuts because you want to rescue your wife. Don't be rude to the caregivers and make sure to help your wife by giving her an amazing foot massage. You will also want to give your wife a gift to show her you love her. Make sure you do NOT faint, this will make the...
In this video, we learn how to save old crayons and make new ones. To do this, you will need to buy a Crayola Crayon Maker. Then, open up the maker and take your old pieces of crayons that you don't have a use for. Break them up and situate them in the tray inside the machine. After this, turn on the power and then the light will come on. The light will start to melt the crayons down and in ten minutes you will pour the wax into the molds. When finished, you will have some cool looking crayons,...
Getting pregnant is one of the most joyous times of many women's lives, but carrying an eight pound baby doesn't come without its share of wear and tear on your body. Your feet go up half a size to one size, you swell up all over, and stretch marks usually set in wherever your skin is overstretched.
Nearly every little girl wants to be one of the Disney princesses, to live in a castle and dance every night with Prince Charming! This video shows you how you can take your child on a trip to a Disney park and turn them into a beautiful Disney princess!
The best way to teach your children good manners is to have good manners yourself, and model them in front of your children. This mother of three goes over several of her favorite strategies for raising a well-mannered and polite child.
Toddlers can be difficult to manage in a public setting. This mother of three shows how you can get even a very young child to behave and have good manners when you're in a place like a restaurant or other public place.
Children hate going to bed, but they certainly need their sleep. How can you get a toddler to accept that it's bedtime without having to deal with a temper tantrum? Here are a few good stratgies for getting a toddler to go to bed peacefully.
You don't need an expensive ice cream maker to make your own ice cream! All you need is a sandwich bag or Ziploc bag, milk, sugar and vanilla flavoring. Once you've put your ingredients in the bag, mix it up and then freeze it!
Make a fashion purse for your little princess! You'll need four squares of fabric in two separate colors (one for the outside and one for the lining), beads for decoration, a shoelace to use as a strap, needle and thread (or a craft sewing machine) and a pair of scissors.
Here's a fun and eco-friendly activity that will let you make some clever bubble wands out of recycled wire. All you need is the colored wire (you can use old hanger wire) and a few BBQ sticks. Then bend into the shape you want!
Diapering. It's one of those things which you can't avoid. This video shows you a few useful techniques for changing the diapers for your new baby, including how to avoid things like diaper rash - or how to treat diaper rash if your child develops it.
A little worried about giving your newborn infant a bath? This tutorial shows you how to not only give your baby a bath, but make bathtime a fun time and have your child look forward to the playtime. Also included are some good safety tips for putting your baby in the bath.
Babies sleep best when they have a reliable sleep routine, and this also helps the new parents get enough sleep themselves. This tutorial shows you how to give your baby a good routine to make sure they sleep as much through the night as possible.
Baby hair can usually be extra fine, and baby skin is also sensitive to harsh shampoo. Detangling can also be a challenging. This tutorial shows you how to take care of your child's hair, and still let them express themselves.
Bathing a baby means not only keeping them clean, but also taking care of their skin. This video shows you how to keep your child's skin soft and well moisturized. Make sure your baby doesn't continually suffer from dry skin, and always moisturize after a bath.
What's better than building a fort out of couch cushions, blankets and chairs? Not much, if you're a kid! This tutorial shows you how to build a stable couch fort, that can repel the assault of even the most determined playmate.
This craft is for pre-K children, and is useful if you want to teach them about shapes. By using circles, you can craft them to make a cute little baby carriage. All you need is some glue and scissors, and maybe some stickers or other decorations.
Teach your young child about shapes! This tutorial shows you how to make a teacup out of rectangle shapes - both perfect and trapezoidal. All you need is some colored paper, glue and safety scissors (and markers or colored pencils to decorate your tea cup)
Turn craft time into an educational experience! Using one paper triangle for the cone, you can use other paper circles to represent scoops of ice cream to teach your child about different shapes. This is a fun and easy craft for young children and their parents to do together.
Traditionally, cutting the umbilical cord is done by the new father - and while many dads to be might be excited by the opportunity, it can also be a little scary. This video will hopefully assuage your fears and show you the right way to cut the cord.
This is a simple craft you can make with a child who loves to play dress-up. You'll need cardboard or posterboard, aluminum foil or reflective paper, glitter pencils, a circular trace, a paper puncher, markers or colored pencils, glue and safety scissors.
Help your child decorate their room! This tutorial shows you how to use craft foam to construct a curtain of flowers. In addition to the foam, you will also need a glitter pencil, decorative ribbon and a pair of kid safe craft scissors.
Teach your children responsibility by having them do chores. But sometimes, the stress of getting your children to do their chores seems more than it's worth. Here's a useful tutorial to set up a chore matrix or chore chart and get your children to do their chores.
Here's a great way to recycle old socks into clever puppets for your kids! This tutorial shows you how to turn an old green sock into a snake pupet using googly eyes, a bit of red felt, some cardboard, fabric glue and scissors (and some yarn if you want your puppet to have hair).
Turn a left over wooden block into a sailboat! To make this craft, you'll need four rectangular wooden blocks and one triangle, three foam leaves, a BBQ or bamboo skewer, glue or a glue gun and scissors (and paint, if you want to paint your blocks a different color).
Make a beautiful box for your child to keep their jewelry or precious possessions in. You'll need a small plastic or metal container, strands of thread with small beads on them, plastic gems or rhinestones, a hot glue gun and a kid-friendly pair of scissors.
Teach your child how to tie shoelaces, and have fun at the same time! You can make a pair of paper shoes with laces by using recycled cardboard, foam leaves, a glue gun, a hole punch, scissors and, of course, a pair of shoelaces!
This is a fun craft to do with your child which teaches them how to make a Turkish-style pair of slippers. All you'll need is some colored cardboard, decorative ribbon, glue, scissors, colored markers and a few decorations to put on the shoes.
Make family movie night extra special by holding it outdoors! If your backyard is big enough and the weather where you live lets you, you can set up your own home theater in the backyard! All you need is a screen, projector, DVD player and a sound system.
Dealing with a teething baby is probably the worst time of raising a child. This video shows parents how to manage teething and help your child through a painful period in their life. A few good strategies involving food and medicine are laid out for desperate parents.
Is your kid begging for a cell phone? Are you worried about giving them that much responsibility? Here's how to decide if your child should have a cell phone, and how to manage talk time and other aspects of kids with cell phones.
You'll need to assemble a good team if you want to pull off double dutch. This video comes from competitive jump ropers, but you can use the strategies and techniques outlined for your own leisure or playtime jump rope games.
When is the right age to teach your child how to swim? How can you teach your child about water safety when they're young? This tutorial shows you how to teach your child, even an infant, how to swim or at least handle themselves in the water.
Make a fun little toy swing! This video gives you the plans to make a swing for your dolls or other toys. You'll need to assemble five pink rods, two red rods, one green rod, two blue spools, four yellow spools and four orange washers to make this item.
Make a paper carrot and fill it with candy! To make this craft, you'll need green crepe paper, orange construction paper, glue, candies, and a pair of kid-safe scissors. Once you make the paper shell, you can fill it with candy (or anything else you want)!